Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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163 lines
There is no special installation procedure for this program.
If you are installing onto a hard disk, make a subdirectory for
the program to reside in, copy the contents of this disk into
that directory and type RADIO then press the ENTER key to start
the program.
For instance, if your hard disk was C and this floppy disk was
in you A drive, you should follow these steps:
Change to the root directory of your hard disk by typing:
Make a directory for the program (we'll call the directory RADIO)
by typing:
Change to the directory you've just made by typing:
Copy the contents of this disk into the RADIO directory by typing:
Start the program by typing:
If you are installing onto a floppy disk, you should copy all
the files from this disk onto a new, blank, formatted disk by typing:
You should NEVER use the original disks of any application -
ALWAYS make a back up copy before doing anything else.
Even when you're using Shareware and aren't sure whether or not
you're going to keep using the program.
It's a good habit to get into!
You should also check your CONFIG.SYS file (there should be one on your
start-up disk or in the root directory of your hard disk).
Type it out, by typing:
It should contain at least the following lines:
If it doesn't - or if nn is a number less than 10 - then you will need to
add the lines (or change the numbers) and then re-boot your computer to
make the changes take effect.
If you don't have these lines in your CONFIG.SYS file, the program will
display an error message and return you to DOS.
You should always make backup copies of any important data.
You should make backup copies at regular intervals. The best
definition of regular is that it should be often enough that,
should the worst happen and you lose everything you've typed in
since you last made a backup copy, you won't have to spend very
long replacing the lost data.
When you first start using this program, I would suggest that
you make a backup every few hours. The longer the gap between
backups, the more typing you may have to re-do...
After you've set up your logbook, make backups after each session.
The easiest way to make a backup is to copy the contents of the
complete directory (hard disk users) or the whole disk (floppy
disk users) onto a blank, formatted floppy disk. A program
called BACKUP came with your copy of MSDOS and it works OK.
Put your working disk into your floppy disk drive or change to
the appropriate subdirectory on your hard disk and type:
After a few seconds, the main program menu will appear on the
If this is the first time you are using this program, then you
will need to choose the first option on the menu - to enter data.
The program automatically detects that you have no data already
stored and will give you a blank form to fill in.
Most of the information on the form is compulsory - you will need to
enter something (the program will beep and flash at you to remind you where
this is necessary!).
Each logbook entry is automatically numbered. Unless you type in a new
number, the program will start at number one and will automatically add one
to this figure when you press INSERT to add a new entry.
The program comes with a list of the normal modes used in amateur radio -
if you type a letter when you are asked for the mode, the program will
display a list of all currently available modes. Simply highlight the
correct one and press [ENTER].
Pressing F1 when you are ready to enter the mode will give you a list of
all the common modes.
If you are working more than one station, the program will allow you to
enter up to four stations worked for each logbook entry, saving a lot of
re-typing. The program requires you to enter at least one station worked -
after that, simply pressing [ENTER] will take you down to the report sent
The program gives you a Yes/No choice for QSL sent - use the left and right
cursor keys to select the correct choice.
You should also use the left and right cursor keys to select whether you
sent the QSL direct or via a bureau.
When you have finished the logbook entry, hold down the Control
key (often marked CTRL) and press ENTER. The program will now
store that entry.
To add another entry, press the Insert key (often marked INS. If
you don't have a separate numeric keypad, check that Number Lock
is OFF and press the 0 key) and type in your new entry.
You can always go back and amend entries, for instance to say when you
receive a QSL. Simply select the logbook entry you want to change (either
from the main Enter/Amend option or from the station called option)
press ENTER and change the appropriate details.
To print out your logbook, choose the print logbook option from the main
menu, select which way you want your logbook to be printed, check your
printer is switched on, and press ENTER to confirm this to the program.
You can choose to send the logbook to disk (the program will automatically
call the file LOG_BOOK.TXT unless you decide to over-rule this choice). You
are given the choice to save just part of your logbook, using log numbers
to choose the appropriate section. You should NOT use this facility to
back-up your logbook - it is there to allow you to export the data from
your logbook to another program, should the need arise. The log is saved as
a text file and includes descriptions of the various items saved.
If you are unsure about what to do next in the program, press F1
for on screen help.